The 1st 7th Annual Grilled Cheese Invitational will be held in downtown Los Angeles this year, organizers said Monday.An event like this could almost make me want to go out to California to attend or compete. Almost. It sounds like a load of tasty fun! I can't help but wonder if we couldn't organise a like event in my area? Mmmm...grilled cheese.
The cheese-lovers' Mecca will be held at Los Angeles State Historic Park (map) on Saturday, April 25.
The Grilled Cheese Invitational "is the largest, craziest, and most exciting grilled cheese cooking contest in the country and is the best thing to happen to sliced cheese since sliced bread," according to the event's website.
Doors open at noon, and admission is only $5.
However, if you think you got the chops to make a top-shelf grilled cheese, the competition fee is $10. The cook-off goes from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Competitors can register at grilledcheeseinvitational.com.
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Food, Grilled Cheese, California